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The Futures of Learning

We have been tasked by our government about what education in the future should be.   Cynthia Luna Scott, in  The Futures of learning (2015)  has pulled together a variety of research that discusses project and problem based education that encourages collaboration and communication.  A lot of what is mentioned in the research indicates where we have been heading since it was published.  The movement of change has begun, it is now waiting for school and nationwide systems to catch up with the change.  Learning should require ako to consider different points of view, walking in another's shoes and learning together, to be active, contributing members of society.  It should challenge what has been before, while learning lessons from the past to inform the future.  It should teach ako how to learn and how to challenge themselves, now and in their future as learners.  It should be recognised as being anytime, anywhere and with anyone being able to be their kaiako - young, old, at home

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